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Boy on bike in Green Park

22nd February 2021

Spring adventure awaits…

With Green Park blossoming on our doorstep, we know that the great outdoors really is a treasure trove for the curious that just begs to be explored. So, peel your little ones away from their screens and encourage them to look closer at the wonders of the natural world with the help of our free downloadable activity sheet.


Or for those with a little more time on their hands…

  • Take a camera along and photograph your favourite things: it could be a bright flower, an interesting tree or even a wild animal. When you get home, print out the photos and create a nature scrap book full of photos from all your favourite walks.
  • Balance: can you find any fallen logs? Try walking along them and see who can keep their balance for the longest. Hold onto someone’s hand if it’s wobbly or too high up!
  • Make an instrument: find some different sized sticks with all different textures and rub or bang them against a tree. What noises did you make?
Boy on bike in Green Park
Picnic Green Park

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