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How to travel with a baby

10th April 2018

If you enjoyed travelling before starting a family, it’s time to embrace all the positives to be found from travelling now too. Free airline travel and accommodation for the little one, easy milk-based meals and early morning strolls in new places before locals and tourists have woken up – the benefits of travelling with a baby come in all forms! Here’s how to get organised to get the most out of your trip.

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En route

Be prepared for whichever mode of transport you need to travel on.

If flying by plane, find out if your airline provides strollers for you to use in the airport and be clear on how much extra baggage you’re allowed to take when travelling with a baby.

When getting from A to B by train, avoid travelling in rush hour for a more comfortable journey and find out which part of the train is most suitable for families. Close to bathroom facilities and away from dedicated quiet zones usually work best.

If travelling by car, remember to bring a car seat with you, or find out if your car hire company provides safety-checked car seats. Bring a removable window shade with you for the baby’s maximum comfort.

Whichever mode of transport you’re using, bring extra supplies with you that will last longer than your planned travel time – just in case there are delays. Supplies should include extra formula, nappies, spare changes of clothes and a blanket.

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What to bring

Baby equipment can be bulky and heavy, so it pays to stay somewhere that lends a helping hand when it comes to this. Find out if your hotel can provide a cot – The Athenaeum supplies both cots and bedding – so you don’t have to bring a space-sucking travel cot with you. Having kitchen facilities on-hand in your accommodation will help you easily prepare and clean bottles too. Residences at The Athenaeum have fully-equipped kitchens – perfect for families with babies.

Find out what you can buy once you arrive too, so you don’t necessarily have to travel with a full supply of nappies, formula and other necessities that need to last for your whole trip. Do remember to pack a few favourite toys so your baby has something familiar from home, while a lightweight buggy and sling are invaluable for getting out and about once you’ve arrived.

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Planning your time while travelling

The key to getting the most out of a trip while travelling with a baby is to plan a little bit. Look at the list of things you definitely want to do in your destination and plan activities around your baby’s nap times and general routine. If your baby is happy when being pushed in the stroller, plan plenty of walks instead of getting on and off of public transport. You can see so much more in cities such as London by foot anyway, while there are plenty of green spaces too, so everyone’s a winner.

When travelling with a baby, you might have fuller days and more relaxing evenings. If there’s a restaurant you desperately want to go to, see if they’re family-friendly and go for brunch instead of dinner. Or find out if your hotel has babysitters – The Athenaeum has access to trusted babysitters that can be booked in advance. Make sure your hotel has decent options for room service or kitchen facilities to give you flexibility on other evenings during your stay.

Find out all about The Athenaeum’s family friendly services below.


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